There are some websites that do this, but the best one I've found is http://www.bloggerjobs.biz/
Just taking a quick browse through their top jobs, I've found a couple that could be for me. Social media expert? That's easy.
Sites like this are especially useful if you know a lot about one particular subject. I'll have to think about that and browse some more, but it sure would be nice to be paid anywhere from $20 to $100 per blog post.
thanks for the info.
I know a shitload about chocolate....
Can I do this?
i've gonna check this out, thanks for the tip! :)
I wish I knew anything about anything to actually be able to do this =[
Cheers for the tip...
Nice tip, I need to check this out
That is nice, thanks for the tip
nice tip, thanks
Some of the jobs look really good.
Hey, don't forget my site that connects bloggers with businesses. Sorry, had to throw in the plug. bloggerdise.com
brb selling my blog soul for 20$
huh, do you have to submit all your posts through a third party in every situation or can you just post as is? I couldn't seem to find the answer to that question :(
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