I just heard of a tradition from Europe called Bastuloppet. The idea is that college girls and boys strip down and race through downtown city streets. Some people get naked, others leave their underwear on.
I was doing some 'research' on Youtube for this and it looks crazy haha. I can't see myself ever taking off my clothes in front of like 2,000 watching people. But, knowing Europe, I'm sure there was copious amounts of alcohol involved. It still looks damn cold though.
For example, Boobs in a youtube video?
What a crazy, nudity-loving continent. Good for them I guess. It's just pretty strange to my North American mind.
Have to admit it looks fun, though I doubt I'd be able to run very fast with a boner.
lol sexy gurls! i would like to be there next time xD
you dont like it? well i do :D
HAHA i saw some images earlier today. :D
This can't be limited to Europe. There are several universities... UNC-Chapel Hill for instance, that have streaking traditions... where on the 1st study day before exams, people streak in the library. It attracts masses and is a semi-annual event. Once for the Fall semester, once for the spring semester. And they don't hold their biddies or their teetahs in the process!
europe is GREAT! i wanna go on a eurotrip!
usually happens around my college during finals. stress relief i guess....
man..its nuts over there
I would love to do that
Do they gain anything from this?
I really want to do that.
Sweet! Definitely worth a trip to Europe. :)
I fully support this tradition and any others like it. God bless Europe.
Lol'd hard at "it's nuts over there"
That's what Europe is.
yeah, go europe...
oh man, how come we never do things like this in canada
looks like material for an American Pie movie, oh wait . . . it was.
Naked mile ^^
This happens in US colleges as well, just google it
nice Europe is paradise
europe is fucking awesome dude.:D
never heard bout it and im belgian xd
Europeans are crazy ! (I'm european too ) :D
im in the wrong country
yet another example of why i wish i lived in europe!
hah i expected it to be like hundreds of people and there were like 10 haha
Now THATS a way to get a naked mile going! ;)
I've never heard of it, but... LoL it's funny.
I live in Europe, but it is not a so well-recognized event.
It's strange here to, but if it was here I would sure as hell join in
Wish i could have been there :P
Where was I when this went on?
Fuck! I can't believe I missed Bastuloppet! I marked it on my calendar and everything! :(
I need to go to Europe ASAP!
Why I wasn't there? :D
we really are crazy
I wonder how cold it is there...
I guess it is too rainy where I live to start a streaking tradition... how about a we don't shower because we were up all night coding tradition? Heck we could schedule this day in at least 3 or 4 nights a week!
wish i was there!
I like how there are more watchers than actual runners.
i liked this post, headin to europe .... heheh
I could see myself doing that.
I can fap to this
haha, nice!
wow, pretty cool
awesome :D
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