Regular Officer Training Program (ROTP) is the military's program for training officers by sending them through a four year bachelor's program at either a domestic or military university.
After you complete your education, you owe the military a certain number of years of service, usually between five and eight years. However, this could be a pro - you are guaranteed a job after school, which has been hard to find for certain graduates lately.
ROTP isn't for everyone, but it's certainly good to have alternate options. ROTP also pays you about $20,000 a year (on top of paying for your school and living expenses)
Also, apparently having military education and work experience on your resume is a huge plus for any employer. Just thought I'd throw the ROTP option out there for everyone!
Well at least you Canadians are a more peaceful lot than we from the States. We have a similar program called ROTC in our universities, and nowawdays, it's an almost guaranteed trip to Afghanistan or Iraq.
its a great idea if you wouldnt mind joining the military, but i could never do that.
tks for this info!
thats a great idea, looking foward for your next post
I wish there was something like this in my country. would save tons of money.
Nice program. it should exist in portugal too!
although it's good for your future, i don't think that program would be for me.
I wish I would have thought about something like this before going to college, could have saved me massive amounts of debt
so they pay for college tuition and living expenses plus they give you 20k on top of it all? sounds like a pretty good deal. definitely not for me though. i would never join the military (plus i'm sure it's different in the u.s. ... not sure exactly how the programs run over here though)
oh and thanks for your comment. it actually put a smile on my face [=
Yeah Im in college right now and really feeling it. Hopefully I'll get a job out of school to offset the costs but who knows.
now only if i wasnt so lazy
I had a friend that did that one his senior year. BTW...if you're interested I'd like it if you joined my blog community at bloggerdise.com
if it were peace time i'd be all over this.
there's a big catch :D
Wow, thats a good chance for everyone interested joining the military^^
I assume you have to go through the basic drill that every future grunt has to take, right? I know I'd be pissed if I ran, jumped, crawled, entrenched and shot my ass off for several months just to be commandeered around by some paper-pushing douche.
They have a similar thing in Australia. Some of my friends really didn't like it though - they hated being in the army.
The Army isn't that bad, considering the experience you get from being in it, and a huge perk you can put right next to that college degree on your application =P
Not sure I would have enjoyed being in the army, but I've already gone to university and graduated, so it's not really relevant for me.
I considered joining this at one point but then figured it was to risky, I don't want to fight for a cause I don't believe in.
looking forward to more!
That comment is so true.
*comic not comment
if only I was military material... I guess I could do tech work but...
Only problem with the similar program we have in the US is that they claim to pay full tuition etc, but only do so if you're going to certain universities. Otherwise they only pay up to $10,000 to $20,000 of the costs, most of the time even less than that. It's shitty.
Good point
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